
Is options trading haram


is options trading haram

I live in North America and work for a IT company. Alhamdulillah I make quite a bit of good living with little or no saving. A friend of mine who is or seems to be a good practising muslim, introduced me to STOCK OPTIONS, basically I studied pages book to understand how it trading. Now when I am at the Urge of starting an account and start working on CALL, PUT, PURCHASE of stocks, Before that I felt I should refer more on it because I really dont want to earn any haram living. I know the basics of chosing the right investment i. No riba, check for the equity source of earning no banks, insurances etc. If people of knowledge throw some light on this on the basis of QURAN and AHADEETH. Looking for unambigious answers. A call option involves purchasing the right but not the obligation to purchase later an amount of stock at a fixed price. Fundamentally, this makes the transaction different from futures which are [discouraged forbidden] because of the general prohibition against selling one obligation for another obligation e. Unlike a futures contract, a call option does not involve any debt on the buyer's part; he is under no obligation to buy anything. The only debt involved is on the seller, as she has to agree to the sale if the buyer chooses to go through with it. Fundamentally, this is analogous to providing a down payment toward a future purchase with the down payment treated as part of the final price if the sale goes through, forfeited if it does not. There is some disagreement whether such transactions are halalbut the Hanbali position is that it's permissibleciting a report that Umar himself partook in such a transaction. A number of Islamic financial institutions have thus permitted the use of such contracts termed 'arbunhowever their use is still controversial. Even if considered permissible, there are caveats which should be considered:. Also note that this is only regarding call options. Put options, which is to say purchasing the right to sell instead of buy stock, are a different beast altogether; there are shari'ah -compliant vehicles which can be and have been used to emulate put options to a point, but they not quite as close a fit as 'arbun is to call options. I would argue that puts should be just as permissible as calls since they're effectively the same thing in reverse, but that's just a personal opinion and not backed by any actual evidence. Also note that this permissibility is entirely in the context of a market that meets Islamic ideals. Of particular concern, if in the non-Islamic options market the contracted stock does not exist at the beginning of and during the period of the contract i. As always, you should investigate any options investment thoroughly before actually investing. They people used to purchase food-grain in a place options the market and sell it also in its place. Then the Holy Prophet forbade them to sell it in its place till they take it in possession. As for that of which the Holy Prophet prohibited sale, it is food-crops till they come in possession. I don't have sufficient knowledge about Stock options but if money is taken before possession of goods sold is forbidden in Islam as it's clear from above Ahadis. Can't say more because you know better the nature of your business. Well, I believe writing a call option i. Writing a naked call i. If the buyer of the call option does not wish to purchase your shares, upon expiration, you get to keep your shares and the down payment amount. If the buyer of the call option exercises his options to acquire YOUR shares, you have haram sale of your stock and you still get to keep the amount you got when writing the call option. Writing a CASH COVERED PUT also, I believe, should be, by the same token allowed because you have essentially placed a limit order to buy shares of a particular security at an agreed price over an agreed duration and set aside adequate cash to cover the purchase. In the event, the buyer of the put haram doesn't wish to sell his shares to you, you get to keep the amount that he's paid to you for writing the put option. Any system involving banks transacting is haramin the absence of a gold backed financial system. Money is defined as gold or silver dinar and dhiram. In essence hard to avoid due to gold standard being removed with unbanked paper currency. But to profit on options is clear speculation with assistance of banking system makes it clear in my opinion it would be leaning on harambut only my opinion. I feel OPTIONS is not accepted at all as its pure trading and price is not on object or some goods. Its just a number and you don't have anything in possession. FUTURES on a particular stock [ not on INDEX ] is still accepted to haram extent as you are bidding on market price [ though you may not be paying full price of it ] and your strength trading speculation and study on haram particular stock where it may reach in coming days or time. But again as you are not buying it by paying full cost, FUTURES also looks not halaal as its a gamble and mostly people are gonna be ruined options big sharks most of the time play the tricks. Options Strike price if not met. Options used as insurance, insurance also haram. All or none is always haram in Islam. Exactly as After purchasing lottery ticket win it all or loose it all is gambling. And options is exactly that. Stay away from haram earning does not matter if you are in IT or not. AOA, options call or put have component of interst rate added. How options are priced?. Interest is forbidden by ALLAH. ALLAH says HE will go to war with people who deal with interest. ALLAH forgive me if I am misquoting. Basically if one buys stock option they pay price for interest as well as rho listed above? One drop of urine drop into glass of water will make glass of water undrinkable. Rho interest rate even small I am not expert, just like to know myself if stock options are halal or haram. But above point if taken in that context just nulls everything about stock options since one pays for interst rate added into purchase of stock options by default. Making stock options as not valid for Muslims because of interst. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. By subscribing, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Investing in stock OPTIONS halal? May Allah swt bless your efforts!! I'll be more than surprised if you can find stock dealings with no banks and no riba. Even if considered permissible, there are caveats which should be considered: The contract should be fixed at the time the option is contracted, not only in price and number of shares but also in length of time, to prevent uncertainty. This should not be done for currencies e. FX options ; I don't know if buying the right to buy future money for future money with current money is haram per se, but it's a whole extra level of complexity that I really don't feel like getting into with this answer. Trading are your thoughts based upon the above? Salaam, I feel OPTIONS is not accepted at all as its pure speculation and price is not on object or some goods. This answer needs more explanations and proofs. Please try to edit and improve. Answers that don't give sufficient explanations might get removed. In order to find out more. Is stock options halal? Or I am missing something. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. In it, you'll get: The week's top questions and answers Important community announcements Questions that need answers. Islam Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more 3. Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

Perniagaan Forex Halal atau Haram Menurut Ustaz Ahmad Dusuki bin Abdul Rani

Perniagaan Forex Halal atau Haram Menurut Ustaz Ahmad Dusuki bin Abdul Rani

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